All Platform Pass

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All Platform Pass


This All Platform membership gives you access to all the "Me" platforms, current and future for the one annual price.

When you purchase the LFM All Platform Pass you will automatically gain access to all our current "Me" platforms. These include HealMe, LawfulMe, GrowMe, AcadeMe and SpiritualMe.

As an All Platform member you will also receive an automatic upgrade to all future "Me" platforms and never pay more for your annual membership.

So whether you are interested in lawful processes and health, or clean eating, farming and education or a combination of everything we offer, the All Platform Pass is the best way to stay connected to all the best Living Free content, not to mention staying connected to like-minded and inspiring community members.

From the team at Living Free we hope to welcome you soon to all our "Me" platforms.

Membership Inclusions

  • All Platform Pass gives you access to all the "Me" platforms, current and future
  • Join our growing community and never miss out on amazing content from all our "Me" platforms
  • As we grow, we will launch new "Me" platforms. As All Platform members, you will automatically receive access to all future platforms and never pay more for your membership.
  • Access live Q&A Webinars with the LFM team from all the platforms
  • Share content, resources and experiences with the community to help support each other
  • OptimiseMe - 10 Part Course
  • Access to the LFM App for your phone to stay in contact on the go

$200 AUD or $154 USD Per Year

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Living Free Movement is a private, membership-based organisation and is functioning for entertainment purposes only. No information shared or discussed should be considered as legal or health advice. By visiting and entering this website or any of its entertainment libraries in any way you hereby agree that you entered into a private domain subject to the private membership terms of Living Free Movement. All Members are bound by the Living Free Movement Terms of Use. and Membership Agreement when entering the private membership site.